Saturday, February 23, 2013

Week 24: Bright, Famous and Beautiful..

The selection for Week #24 (of EQM's pregnancy) is of Latin origin, as is the case with many names I have found.  It's meaning is bright, famous and beautiful.  A very talented Nicaraguan poet, essayist, novelist and journalist from "La Generacion Comprometida" (the Committed Generation) bears this name.   I don't personally know anyone else by this exact name, but here's a BIG hint for those of you who have some history with the Mulvaney family:  When my children were ages, 4, 7 and 10, a high school student from Asturias, Spain lived with us for several months.  Her name comes pretty close and she was certainly bright and beautiful (and still is)!  I don't know about famous, but  I'm confident that Baby Girl Mulvaney will be a star in our family and she will be bright and beautiful, no matter what her lucky parents decide to name her.  

The  music that introduces this week's name is just that:  music and no words.  French composer, Eugene Bozza, chose this name as the title for his elegant clarinet and piano duet. Bozza studied composition, conducting and violin at the Paris Conservatoire and is particularly noted for his wind compositions, having composed pieces for nearly all wind and string instruments (including the alto saxophone).  I'm guessing that Baby Mulvaney's classical music loving daddy will enjoy this piece.  Hopefully, Baby's Mom will too!  And who knows ... maybe they will surprise us all and give bright and beautiful Baby Girl Mulvaney this lovely little name.

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