Friday, March 29, 2013

Week #29: Happy Easter, Y'all!

Happy Easter!  It's already Week #29 of EQM's pregnancy and she's looking great!  Baby Girl Mulvaney's mother is a petite little thing, but in a recent photo it was nice to see her sporting a big smile and an even bigger bump!  She looks super happy and healthy!

This week's name is represented by the traditional, fragrant flower that is a popular symbol of Easter.   This flower name of Latin origin conveys innocence, purity and beauty.   It also has a connection to Harry Potter.  I haven't read or watched anything about Harry Potter, but I do pay attention to EQM's interests.  It's no secret that she is a huge Harry Potter fan and I thought that just maybe she would be drawn to this name.  In any case,  it's a perfect choice for Easter and it could also be a really sweet name for Baby Girl Mulvaney.  

In my weekly search for names that can be showcased musically,  I've enjoyed listening to songs by many talented artists who were previously unknown to me.  This week I realized that it was time to broaden my horizons and pay more attention to the country music scene after discovering award winning artist, Clint Black, who penned this beautiful lullaby for his baby daughter.  I almost needed a box of Kleenix.

Happy Easter, y'all!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Week #28: Welcoming Spring with A "Virtue" Name

As we move into Week 28, spring is finally here!   While the snow from late winter storms continues to melt in the northeast,  spring promises welcome renewal from the cold, grey landscape.  We anxiously await a burst of color and new life from Mother Nature.   Think sunny trumpet daffodils,  graceful pink tulips and vibrant hyacinths!  In spring we can find beauty in everything. 

The name that comes to mind this week is a very popular choice of Latin origin that is considered to be one of the "virtue" names.  While it represents many things to people of different cultures, at its traditional core, this sweet but elegant name means "favor" or "blessing". 

A beautiful American actress who became the Princess of Monaco bore this name.  That's a pretty big hint, but if you're still curious, take a listen to these very tender verses sung by Dublin born Irish singer and humanitarian, Bono.  It wouldn't surprise me if Baby Girl Mulvaney's parents have put this "thought that changed the world" at the top of their list.   I just might hold out for this one.


Friday, March 15, 2013

Week #27: Keep Calm and Get Your Irish On!

     Selecting this week's name was easy.  It was clearly narrowed to a few choices that honor St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, whose feast day will be celebrated this weekend.  This week's choice is a very popular name of Irish and Latin origin, and like a few other names of similar etimology, it means "star of the sea."

     While St. Patrick's Day is not an official holiday in the United States, it may as well be in our family!  The day has great significance for Baby Mulvaney's dad and many of her ancestors from the Emerald Isle, which include the Mulvaney, McCormick, Kennedy and Martin clans.  In the Mulvaney and McCormick families, there are long standing traditions of how we celebrate St. Patrick's Day.  This always includes the Holyoke St. Patrick's Day Road Race and a full day and night spent at Grandma McCormick's house, just a few wee blocks from the site of the Holyoke St. Patrick's Day Parade. It is definitely a special time of year that is always celebrated with lots of family, friends and good food (and drink) at Grandma's.  Years ago, when asked to write about his favorite "holiday" for an elementary school assignment, Baby Mulvaney's dad wrote about some of those family traditions in his essay on St. Patrick's Day.

     While there are many beautiful Irish girls' names, this particular one is highlighted in a sweet, melancholy song that is the official anthem of Dublin City, Ireland.   It has a pretty tragic ending, but "alive, alive-o", the Irish have been known to cry in their beer!  A statue dedicated to herself was unveiled on June 13, 1988 during Dublin's millenium celebrations.  For you sports fans out there, this song is to the Leinster Irish Rugby team  what "Sweet Caroline" is to the Boston Red Sox.  

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Sláinte!
The Dubliners

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Week #26: Inspiration from an Ancient Greek Poet

An ancient Greek poetess provides the inspiration for this week's name.  This poet may have been born as early as BC and most of her work is preserved only on papyrus fragments.  (Papyrus.  I think that's the greeting card company that EQM really likes.)  The meaning of this name is "Maiden" and it should come as no surprise that its origin is Ancient Greek.   

A hint for the musicians out there:  This name peaked in popularity in the 1960's when Ray Peterson scored a Top 10 hit on the U.S. singles charts with his version of a country blues song first recorded by Bo Carter in 1928.  I personally like the jazzy blues interpretation by Wynton Marsalis and  Eric Clapton that they performed at the Lincoln Center in 2011.  The spectacular collaboration by these two music virtuosos  features the gruff and gritty vocals of Taj Mahal and a few outstanding instrumental solos by members of the Jazz at the Lincoln Center Orchestra.  

There are actually no celebrities with this name so Baby Girl Mulvaney could be the first!  Here are three versions of this pretty name:  the original, the most popular and my personal favorite!

Bo Carter (1928 - original)

Roy Peterson (1960 - most popular)

Wynton Marsalis, Eric Clapton and Taj Mahal (2011 - my favorite): 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Week #25: We're Not Gonna Call Her "Twitter"!

For $5,000.00 would Matt and Elena let the Internet name their baby? As I watched the Today Show earlier this morning, I learned that the winner of this promotional contest on is a teacher from the San Diego area!  WHEW!  Thank goodness it's not Matt or Elena!  Who would want to end up with a name like Twitter or Hashtag Mulvaney?!   You can read more about this story on  

So for Week 25 I'm noticing that there are certainly a lot of beautiful names to choose from but it's a challenge to find names that are captured in the title of a song.  After a lot of searching, I've decided to go traditional this week and choose a beautiful name that is very common in both Spanish and non-Spanish speaking cultures.  The etimology of this popular name, which has many variations, is Latin and it's meaning is Star of the Sea.  This week's selection also gives a shout out to many of Baby Mulvaney's female relatives from the Quevedo, Mulvaney, McCormick and Fernandes families who proudly bear this name or some form of it. 

Enjoy this classic selection by the amazing Carlos Santana which finds itself at #96 on the list of Top Ten of All Time, and #2 on the List of Top Latin Hits of All Time.  What a fine name this would be!