Friday, March 29, 2013

Week #29: Happy Easter, Y'all!

Happy Easter!  It's already Week #29 of EQM's pregnancy and she's looking great!  Baby Girl Mulvaney's mother is a petite little thing, but in a recent photo it was nice to see her sporting a big smile and an even bigger bump!  She looks super happy and healthy!

This week's name is represented by the traditional, fragrant flower that is a popular symbol of Easter.   This flower name of Latin origin conveys innocence, purity and beauty.   It also has a connection to Harry Potter.  I haven't read or watched anything about Harry Potter, but I do pay attention to EQM's interests.  It's no secret that she is a huge Harry Potter fan and I thought that just maybe she would be drawn to this name.  In any case,  it's a perfect choice for Easter and it could also be a really sweet name for Baby Girl Mulvaney.  

In my weekly search for names that can be showcased musically,  I've enjoyed listening to songs by many talented artists who were previously unknown to me.  This week I realized that it was time to broaden my horizons and pay more attention to the country music scene after discovering award winning artist, Clint Black, who penned this beautiful lullaby for his baby daughter.  I almost needed a box of Kleenix.

Happy Easter, y'all!

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