Friday, March 22, 2013

Week #28: Welcoming Spring with A "Virtue" Name

As we move into Week 28, spring is finally here!   While the snow from late winter storms continues to melt in the northeast,  spring promises welcome renewal from the cold, grey landscape.  We anxiously await a burst of color and new life from Mother Nature.   Think sunny trumpet daffodils,  graceful pink tulips and vibrant hyacinths!  In spring we can find beauty in everything. 

The name that comes to mind this week is a very popular choice of Latin origin that is considered to be one of the "virtue" names.  While it represents many things to people of different cultures, at its traditional core, this sweet but elegant name means "favor" or "blessing". 

A beautiful American actress who became the Princess of Monaco bore this name.  That's a pretty big hint, but if you're still curious, take a listen to these very tender verses sung by Dublin born Irish singer and humanitarian, Bono.  It wouldn't surprise me if Baby Girl Mulvaney's parents have put this "thought that changed the world" at the top of their list.   I just might hold out for this one.


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