Saturday, May 18, 2013

Week #36: A Quick Re-Cap and an SOS from Wile E. Coyote!

Already we're at Week 36 and less than four weeks out from Baby Girl Mulvaney's due date.  So let's pause to review the names that have been suggested so far, in the order of their appearance in this blog:

Ruby  ...Cecilia...Caroline...Valentina...Claribel...


Tessie...Rosalinda...Lucy...Maggie...Winnie. . .

Of those names, my favorite is probably Caroline. It's that Neil Diamond thing.  It's the Red Sox.  It's that Kennedy connection.  If you're from Massachusetts, you know what I mean.

My intuition tells me that if I were to get any clue at all from Baby Girl Mulvaney's parents, they would tell me:  "None of the above."  So with less than a month to go, I am determined to keep "helping" the expectant parents with just a few more suggestions for that perfect moniker. From time to time, my co-workers write names on post-its and leave them in my mailbox at school... and believe it or not, today I received a suggestion all the way from Denmark!  (Congratulations on YOUR new baby, and thank you, Stephanie!)  If my readers have any ideas for the next couple of weeks, please let me know soon!

For now, I'm gonna tap into the wisdom and thoughtfulness of the paternal grandfather-to-be.  For once, I will ask him for his opinion and really pay attention to it!  At this point, I need all the help I can get!  

Grandpa's choice reflects that melancholy, Irish side of him which he relishes. It's a name of Hebrew origin which means "delicate or weary."  Biblically, it is also the name of Jacob's first wife, who became the mother of Dinah and six of Jacob's twelve sons.  Who else has this name?  My school secretary (who he empathizes with whenever he sees her), and the fictional princess of Star Wars.  

So here you go .... a little suggestion from a very blessed and happy grandfather-to-be all the way from beautiful Western Massachusetts - sung by one of his all-time favorite artists.  (And yes, that's a young Bruce Springsteen on back-up guitar!)


  1. These names are, well... Hopefully Matt and Elena chose something .... Different.
    I still like Penelope, Lola, Adriana, Khloe, Mila....

  2. Thanks for your suggestions, Auntie. You can FUHGEDDABOUT Khloe! I do like Lola! Lovely Lola!

  3. Alejandra, Lucia, and Sara are also some names that deserve consideration. Love the blog!

  4. Ellla, eva, felicity, gia, isabella, josie, jade, lilah, lily, mackynzie, madison, malin, mia, olivia, rhiannon, sage, stella, violet, zoe!,

  5. Replies
    1. There's already an Emma Mulvaney. Gotta have something different.

  6. Madison is cute... Sofia, isabella, avery, harper, addison, layla, i like Stella

    1. Isabella... strong possibility, I think. Can't find a song for that one.

  7. Out of Kathleen's suggestions, I'm throwing my support behind Penelope, Ella, Isabella, Mackynzie, Mia, and Emma. Pili agrees as well.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hola. Solo quedan unas semanas!!! Si que te tienen torturada sin decirte el nombre!! Jajaja!!.
    Os diré los nombres de mis sobrinas, por si os sirven de inspiración: Marta, Clara, Cristina, Ana, Celia, Paula, Belén, Lucía, Carmen y Sofía. Me encanta Lucía.
    Otros nombres españoles que me gustan: Valle, Inés, Lola, Carlota, Cayetana, Jimena, Carla, Claudia, Ángela, Martina, Berta, Susana ( éste te gustaría, verdad?), Macarena ( estaría estigmatizada por la canción. ...eeeeh...Macarena...aaaaah), Leo, Victoria....

    Besos a todos!!!


  10. Me parto de risa! Seguro que tendran que nombrarle "CAYETANA"!!! JAJAJAJAJA!!!!

    Pero "Cayetana de Quevedo de Mulvaney de los veinte otros apellidos"!!!

    Y claro que no podemos nombrarle Macarena!
