Saturday, May 25, 2013

Week #37: Is This a Real Hint or Are You Just Playin'?

Well it's Week #37 and the final countdown is on!  Exactly one month from today we will be making our journey to the West Coast to meet our sweet little granddaughter and reunite with her wonderful parents.  She is one lucky little girl as family and friends have already showered her mom and dad with many thoughtful and useful gifts in preparation for her arrival.  The cubbies in her beautifully decorated room  are stuffed with  adorable toys, books and CDs and I am imagining that her closet already rivals her mom's.  ("Every girl needs a blazer," right, Aunt Kathleen?)

Speaking of her mom.... this week's name was actually suggested by Baby Girl Mulvaney's mother!  I don't know if it's "the one", but for sure it's a name that has special meaning for BGM's mom and her family.  It has strong biblical roots and is derived from a Hebrew name, meaning "oath of God" or "God is satisfaction". In the New Testament, this is the name of John the Baptist's mother. Then there's "The Queen".  And the beautiful movie star with the violet eyes.  And if those aren't enough hints, let's just say this week's name is a thoughtful tribute to Baby Girl Mulvaney's west coast aunt, her mom's sister, who is sure to be one of her biggest fans! 

West Coast Aunt and BGM's Mom

There are very few songs out there that reveal the "full name" but the one that BGM's mom suggested captures one of its many derivatives.  While this song was composed by Larry Williams in 1958, it was actually made famous by the Beatles ten years later on their Help! album.    Who knows... BGM's parents have been pretty tight-lipped, but could this be a HINT?  It won't be long before we find out, folks!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful name for BGM if ultimately chosen by her parents.
