Saturday, April 13, 2013

Week #31: Writer's Block.. Family Guy to the Rescue!

Okay.  It's Week #31 and I'm coming up short on ideas for a nice name for Baby Girl Mulvaney.  (And by the way, I realize that she probably already has a name, but that's beside the point.)  I even resorted to Family Guy for inspiration this week.  Parental Advisory:  The following link contains profanity:

Please forgive me if you're offended.  That's probably not a very grandmotherly link for a blog about naming sweet Baby Girl Mulvaney, but it definitely amused me!  And in all honesty, the Griffin's dog, Brian, actually does have a few good suggestions.

So after more searching, I finally came up with a pretty sweet name for Week #31. The baby name websites out there are a bit confused.  According to several, this name is of Germanic origin and means "gentle horse".  No.  Whoever wrote those websites obviously do not understand Spanish.  This name, when translated into Spanish, means "Pretty Rose".  And that's a really nice name for Elena and Matt's sweet little baby girl.

One of my all time favorite artists, Billy Joel, wrote the song.  In an interview, he indicated that he penned it for his mother, and it was a song that his father should have written for her.  Sweet.  I love the music.  I love the lyrics.  And with her Cuban heritage from her mama's side of the family, we'll always find our Cuban skies in Baby Girl Mulvaney's eyes.  Enjoy.

Billy Joel, 52nd Street - 1978

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