Saturday, March 2, 2013

Week #25: We're Not Gonna Call Her "Twitter"!

For $5,000.00 would Matt and Elena let the Internet name their baby? As I watched the Today Show earlier this morning, I learned that the winner of this promotional contest on is a teacher from the San Diego area!  WHEW!  Thank goodness it's not Matt or Elena!  Who would want to end up with a name like Twitter or Hashtag Mulvaney?!   You can read more about this story on  

So for Week 25 I'm noticing that there are certainly a lot of beautiful names to choose from but it's a challenge to find names that are captured in the title of a song.  After a lot of searching, I've decided to go traditional this week and choose a beautiful name that is very common in both Spanish and non-Spanish speaking cultures.  The etimology of this popular name, which has many variations, is Latin and it's meaning is Star of the Sea.  This week's selection also gives a shout out to many of Baby Mulvaney's female relatives from the Quevedo, Mulvaney, McCormick and Fernandes families who proudly bear this name or some form of it. 

Enjoy this classic selection by the amazing Carlos Santana which finds itself at #96 on the list of Top Ten of All Time, and #2 on the List of Top Latin Hits of All Time.  What a fine name this would be!

1 comment:

  1. Abuela/Grandmother: Maria Quevedo
    Great Grandmother: Marion McCormick (who wants to be called "Gigi")
    Great-Great Grandmother: Maria Duarte Fernandes
    Great-Great Aunt: Tia (Maria) "Mamie" (Fernandes) Alves
    Great-Aunt: Mariellen Mulvaney
    Great-Great Aunts (2): Mary Mulvaney (one in Kansas, one in Holyoke)
    Great-Great Aunt: Mary Alice Mulvaney

    Hope I didn't miss anyone!
